Original Music Release A Day #16 ~ The Meaning of Life
Part of the Small Craft Advisory collection of spoken word pieces
This piece has an interesting history ~ I distinctly remember writing the words as follow up from a particularly profound meditation, but I have absolutely no memory at all of playing and recording the music and then setting the words down as well into their sonic bed.
One of the themes that runs through many of these spoken word pieces is chosen nobility, or walking one’s path in life as upright and meaningfully as possible. By upright I don’t mean being straight and narrow, no, life is too short for that. I mean holding one’s head high and being able to look one another in the eye, taking responsibility for one’s self, and taking the time to appreciate and create beauty whenever possible. We can totally be noble and full of shenanigans, no worries there.
The Meaning of Life is offered as a meditation in the creation of meaning within one’s life, and a reminder of all the places where we encounter it. In this particular moment in time when we are all slowing down and taking stock of what’s important and what isn’t, it is my hope that we emerge from this time more aligned with our deeper selves and truly connected with friends and family.
To the Video!
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