Music Release A Day #9 ~ March 25, 2020
Small Craft Advisory #3 ~ Stewards of the Planet
I am particularly attached to this piece as a zeitgeist for the age we live in. Beyond a doubt, whether we stand up collectively or not in relation to climate will not just define the rest of our lives, but that of our children, and whether they will even have any. The spirit of our times is decidedly polarized ~ people are either standing up and activating or sitting down and immersing in distractions. And I suspect that in our heart of hearts, each of us will come to face this decision sooner than later, as the spirit of our times becomes increasingly present or impossible to ignore.
We are seeing here and now with COVID-19 that people either get it and do their part, or people are downplaying the science and chalking it up to media hype, and this ends up being an in our face analogy for the climate crises. Informed observers readily acknowledges the ironies of perceived urgency with the coronovirus and wish the global populace felt that way about climate, but underlying this current crises is the hope that a newfound broader awareness of the interconnectedness of things forced upon us by coronovirus will parlay over to climate awareness as we move through this current challenge.
Wise observers have put forth that responses to a pandemic ahead of time will seem overblown, and afterwards inadequate, and here is another eerie parallel with the climate crises, though nothing seems overblown yet lacking the collective sense of urgency ~ that’s the subject of a previous Small Craft Advisory release, asking “What Will It Take?” for us to reach that point of urgency.
Either way, the Guardians of the Earth, those self identifying as Stewards of the Earth, Earth Warriors, Defenders, Eco-Activists, Extinction Rebellion members… we are waking up, standing up, rising to the occasion, and we will not be deterred from the task at hand. It is energizing to see people take to the streets all over the planet to call for greater awareness and action, and this global activation feels like just the beginning.
As the authors of The Dark Mountain Project wrote, Ecocide demands a response. This work is one of mine.
Stand up. Be heard. If not now, when?
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