What Will It Take?
Release A Day #2 ~ 3.18.20
The second in a series of Theatrical Sound Sculpture Spoken Word pieces by Eric Geoffrey, What Will It Take? is a plea for awakening.
I sincerely believe if each of us had to look a six year old in the eye who was asking us this question, and couldn’t leave until it was answered honestly, the world would be a completely different place.
I woke up one morning with this phrase on my tongue. In the face of so many global perils and issues and obstructions, I can’t help but wonder at what will it take to truly begin to address the myriad of challenges we collectively face. What is going to grab our collective attention powerfully enough to transcend vested economic and cultural interests?
Other people have said it before but it bears repeating ~ if we had an asteroid barreling straight towards us it would be a no-brainer that we would join forces globally and figure out how to avert disaster. A clear and present danger threatening all of us would unite our efforts and galvanize our minds like nothing else. Yet… it’s not happening. We are facing not just one asteroid but at least a handful heading straight at us, clear as day, and yet did you see the Knicks game last night? Oh right, you’re not into that, but there’s a sale at Walmart for thneads. And did you see what Rebel Wilson wore at the Oscars? Whoa!
Granted global climate and mass extinctions and pollinator population collapse are decidedly existential threats and not right in our face like an asteroid would be, or the Coronovirus is. But that doesn’t make them any less real or threatening. It could be argued it makes them even more threatening because we continue to let them get worse by not implementing comprehensive solutions. But just because these issues are not in the headlines day in and day out doesn’t make them go away or any less threatening.
So. What is it going to take?
Or are we going to wait until everything breaks?
If this resonates anything with you, please share, send the link to friends and family, tweet it, subscribe, whatever. I just love the conversation that this piece sparks and hope you explore it too.
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